Diskon besar untuk semua produk BUAH segar

Pusat Suplier Hasil Pertanian & Perkebunan

Menyediakan buah, sayur, dan produk pertanian berkualitas untuk kebutuhan harian Anda.

Kategori Produk

Temukan berbagai produk berkualitas dari hasil pertanian, perkebunan, dan peternakan kami.

A person is tending to a garden, spreading organic material onto the soil between rows of young plants. The setting is a well-organized farm with various types of plants growing in parallel rows. A wheelbarrow filled with similar organic material is visible nearby.
A person is tending to a garden, spreading organic material onto the soil between rows of young plants. The setting is a well-organized farm with various types of plants growing in parallel rows. A wheelbarrow filled with similar organic material is visible nearby.
Buah Segar

Kualitas terbaik dari kebun kami.

Pupuk Organik

Mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman secara alami.

Tentang Riau Tanah Melayu

Kami adalah suplier buah, produk perkebunan, pertanian, dan peternakan, serta distributor pupuk organik dan pembasmi hama untuk kebutuhan harian.

A wooden crate filled with fresh, organic string beans sits on a ground covered with wood chips. The crate is labeled 'Organic String Beans.'
A wooden crate filled with fresh, organic string beans sits on a ground covered with wood chips. The crate is labeled 'Organic String Beans.'
A red plastic basket containing small green fruits is placed on the ground, surrounded by dry leaves and grass. The fruits have a powdery white substance on them, likely for preservation or pesticide treatment. The setting appears to be an outdoor environment, possibly a garden or farm area.
A red plastic basket containing small green fruits is placed on the ground, surrounded by dry leaves and grass. The fruits have a powdery white substance on them, likely for preservation or pesticide treatment. The setting appears to be an outdoor environment, possibly a garden or farm area.

Mengapa Memilih Kami

Riau Tanah Melayu menyediakan berbagai produk berkualitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan pokok harian Anda dengan layanan terbaik dan harga bersaing.

Ulasan Pelanggan

Kami menyediakan produk berkualitas untuk kebutuhan harian Anda.

Buah-buahan segar dari Riau Tanah Melayu sangat memuaskan! Kualitasnya luar biasa.

Dewi Sari
A display of organic vegetables including carrots, white radishes, and fennel, arranged in woven baskets with small chalkboard signs indicating the type and price of each vegetable. Fresh produce with leafy greens adds to the vibrant and earthy appeal.
A display of organic vegetables including carrots, white radishes, and fennel, arranged in woven baskets with small chalkboard signs indicating the type and price of each vegetable. Fresh produce with leafy greens adds to the vibrant and earthy appeal.


Pelayanan yang cepat dan produk organik yang berkualitas tinggi, sangat puas!

An abundant assortment of fresh vegetables and fruits including cucumbers, green beans, apples, carrots, potatoes, and pears. The produce is vibrant and appears freshly harvested, with earthy tones and organic textures.
An abundant assortment of fresh vegetables and fruits including cucumbers, green beans, apples, carrots, potatoes, and pears. The produce is vibrant and appears freshly harvested, with earthy tones and organic textures.
Budi Santoso

